1. All students are required to apply & appear Siksha O Anusandhan Admissions Test (SAAT) or equivalent qualifying exam(s).

  2. Separate merit list for all qualifying candidates shall be prepared on the basis of SAAT .

  3. In addition, separate merit lists will also be drawn for candidates qualifying under each of the reservation categories. Each qualified candidate shall be given a rank card.

  4. The reservations shall be followed as per the reservation policy mentioned in the Reservation Policy Document.

  5. Online/Offline counseling will be done based on the merit and preference of the candidate. The detailed processes and schedule will be notified after the ranks are published.

  6. During final admission (dates to be notified after online/offline counseling) all certificates in original will be verified. For records of the Institutes, two sets of attested copies of the certificates and mark sheets etc. will be collected.

  7. A candidate selected through the counseling for a course is admitted and registered as a student of SOA deemed to be University automatically.

NOTE: At any time during the course of study, if it is found that the student is not satisfying the minimum eligibility criteria for admission into a particular course as prescribed by the SAAT information brochure and rules laid down by other statutory bodies, the candidate’s admission will be cancelled. He/She cannot claim the same in court of law. Hence, candidates are requested to make sure that they fulfill all the criteria before seeking admission.
