The SAAT – 2023 online examination will be held at different centres as per the schedule.
The medium of examination is English.
The examination hall shall be opened to the candidates half an hour before the examination commences. No candidate will be allowed to enter into the examination hall without a valid admit card and original ID proof submitted at the time of application.
Candidates are required to take their respective seats at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination, strictly according to the sitting chart notified earlier by the Centre Superintendent.
In no case a candidate shall be allowed to enter the examination hall after the examination starts.
Candidate has to sign with their full signature in Attendance Roll sheets provided by the Director (Admissions), against their Roll Numbers, 15 minutes before the commencement of examination.
Do not carry any of your belongings inside the exam centre including mobile phone, cellular phones, pagers, palm tops, blue tooth devices, or any electronic device which has the potential of misuse in cheating or unauthorized communication during the examination.
You are required to produce your Hall Ticket and ID proof (which bears your photograph and date of birth) at the registration desk without which entry will not be allowed.
At the registration desk, your identity is varied, Hall Ticket scanned, photograph captured For rough work a blank sheet will be provided. All rough work needs to be done in the blank sheet only.
The administrator is authorized to dismiss you from the rest session of examination for any of the following reasons: Creating disturbance, Attempting to take the test on behalf of someone else, Talking to other examinees, Attempting to tamper with the computer system - either hardware or software, If found with calculators, slide rules, pagers, cell phones, concealed microphones, wireless devices or any other material that may aid in answering questions, In addition, specific instructions mentioned by invigilators to be followed during the entrance examination.
No candidate will be allowed to leave the hall until the examination is over. Ordinarily no candidate shall be allowed to leave the hall temporarily during the examination.
Candidates are not permitted to talk to each other in the examination hall. No one should receive any help from or assist another in any manner.
Malpractice in any form detected during or after the examination would lead to not only cancellation of candidature but also more severe punishment as deemed fit by the SAAT–2023 committee.
A candidate wishing to say anything should stand up in his/her seat and remain standing till the invigilator attends him/her. He/she should in no case leave the seat or make any noise to draw the invigilator’s attention.
In any other matter not mentioned in these rules, the Centre Superintendent is empowered to take necessary decisions.
Candidates suffering from any disease which renders their presence in the examination hall undesirable in the interest of other candidates will not ordinarily be allowed to enter the examination hall. Candidates are not allowed to have substitute writers, normally.
A candidate wishing to say anything should stand up in his/her seat and remain standing till the invigilator attends him/her. He/she should in no case leave the seat or make any noise to draw the invigilator’s attention.